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Week 1+2- Domain&Problems

Updated: Apr 11

During the first week, we were asked to think about a problem we wanted to solve.

We divided into groups, shared problems that each of us thought about and discussed some interesting topics: tourism, artificial intelligence and employment.

And all, under the main theme - transparency.

After examining the ideas, we chose to focus on the problem of artificial intelligence and investigate it. We met to investigate the problem in depth.

We looked for people who use artificial intelligence and asked them questions that we prepared in advance.

After the interviews, we summarized the points. From there we deduced 3 main problems.

First, we don't know how reliable the AI tools are and how much we can trust them, even though we still use them.

Second, it is difficult to distinguish between real content and content generated by artificial intelligence.

Third, the artificial intelligence prevents critical thinking.

Later, we deepened the examination of the problem in articles dealing with the subject.

Through them, we realized that since AI tools are becoming more and more common, it is important to teach about digital literacy, critical thinking and the ethical consequences of using artificial intelligence in different contexts.

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