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Week 17 - Shooting days and start editing

During the week, we made significant strides in various aspects of our project. We continued to refine the prototype and design of our screens, ensuring they are both user-friendly and visually appealing.

Additionally, we focused on enhancing the interactions between these screens to provide a seamless user experience.

One of our key tasks this week was translating the teachers' screens into English.

Additionally we gave our blog's landing page a fresh look. We updated both the content and design to better reflect our current initiatives and engage our readers more effectively.

Another exciting development is our progress on the film project. We fine-tuned the script, incorporating feedback to enhance its impact. With the script finalized, we moved into the production phase, beginning with shooting and editing. This hands-on work brings us closer to delivering a polished and compelling final product.

The script:

This is how young students do their school HW today.

They type in a question and then copy paste and send without doubting it for a moment.

This is CRITI - a plugin designed to enhance young students' critical thinking skills when doing their homework.

Research shows that pausing can reduce automatic behavior and can increase their critical thinking.

CRITI has 2 interfaces - one for the teacher and one for the student.

The teacher inserts the relevant resources, the requirements of the assignment and bonus questions for extra points.

When the student receives the first answer from the chatgpt, Criti appears and asks "did you read the answer?"

Based on his answer, CRITI asks if the answer offered by the chatgpt is aligned with the class material.

CRITI also reflects back the assignment requirements.

and can offer the student to look at more relevant resources recommended by the teacher.

The bonus question inserted by the teacher is a motivator for the student to use CRITI. If he answers it he will receive extra points on the assignment.

The interaction with Criti is designed to be short to not overload the student but to still make him pause and activate his critical thinking on AI generated answers.

Think smart, think CRITI.

Furthermore, we wrote content for the university website, where our project will be presented and prepared a presentation for our mentors' event.

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