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Week 16- Prototyping, design and video preparations

This week, we have further advanced our preparations for the screens, with a particular focus on refining the microcopy, prototyping, and design to meet the specific needs of our users.

We began preparing for our final video by refining the script based on valuable feedback from our instructors. This process ensured that the narrative was exceptionally clear, engaging, and effectively conveyed Criti's messages.

Additionally, we dedicated time to prepare the video's visuals to achieve a polished and professional appearance.

As part of this effort, we switched the screens to English, which not only facilitated filming but also expanded the video's audience and its appeal. Through those adjustments and considerations, we aimed to deliver a quality final movie.

Moreover, our team continue to conducting interviews with users to gain a good understanding of the problem . These interviews have been a great way to understand the problem's magnitude and the ways in which our solution fits into the larger picture. Each interaction with users has proven invaluable, offering us great insights and actionable points for better product. By actively engaging with our user base, we are continuously refining our product to better address the users needs and deliver a more effective solution.

We tried to think about what would make the user continue to use Kriti. What would actually give them the incentive to do so? We came to the conclusion that the incentive should be a bonus question based on the material learned in class and the reliable sources introduced by the teacher. This way, we can ensure that the student develops their critical thinking skills when using the chat. On the other hand, the teacher has the ability to monitor the information the student receives and ensure it is reliable and of high quality. It turns out to be a win-win situation.

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