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Week 11- Mvp, values and User testing

Updated: Apr 11

During the week, we discussed several important questions about CRITI.

First, if CRITI was a person, what kind of person was he?

Reliable, makes you precise, brings out the best and the most in you, a mentor, easy, not oppressive, makes you skeptical, stop and think, a good friend who wants to help, he doesn't give you the answer, but he guides you.

The second, what is the metaphor of CRITI?

a metaphor of crutches.

We do not want to replace man, but to be a help to man.

After he "throws away" the crutches, he can manage on his own.

The goal is to assimilate critical thinking.

The third, what are the values of CRITI?

Trust, empathy, accessibility, skepticism.

Fourth, what are the benefits of CRITI?

CRITI helps users to be more accurate in their answer, which may lead to higher scores.

CRITI guides users to develop and exercise critical thinking. Developing this skill will help users in real life as well.

CRITI gives users the feeling that they were involved in the writing process and therefore may feel success and self-pride.

As a result, users will be more confident in the submission process and in front of the teacher.

Also, at the end of using CRITI, the student will have a deeper understanding of the studied material.

We also discussed the initial interaction (MVP):

The initial interaction with CRITI will focus on asking open-ended questions that encourage critical thinking. for example:

• Did you read the answer that ChatGPT provided?

• Is the answer related to the material studied in class?

• Is this what the teacher expects you to write?

• Before you copy and use the answer, do you understand what is written?

CRITI will ask about 4-5 questions. These will be follow-up questions depending on the users' answers.

We also designed the initial prototype and performed the first user tests for our relevant users.

From these tests, we realized that CRITI can help users stop, re-read and think.

Quotes from the tests:

"I think the purpose of this is to make me answer the question better."

"I think this question can make me read the answer again, a little more intently."

"I'll open my notebook and what I wrote down in class and compare it to the chat answer."

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