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Week 13 - User Testing, Interviewing Teachers, Prototyping and redefine Mvp

This week, we continued to perform user tests, in two axes - observation and a simulated script, which continued to strengthen the understanding that CRITI can help students act less automatically, stop and read the answer and not copy-paste.

We also conducted interviews with teachers, which reinforced for us the great fear of teachers about technology, which is advancing with the passage of time.

One of the teachers said:

"I no longer bring homework to the students because I know they copy and paste."

Another teacher, to whom we told about CRITI, noted that "if there was something that accompanies them in the chat and makes them think, that is a blessing."

The user tests and the interviews with the teachers strengthened our understanding that the problem is deep and huge, that it will continue to expand with the passage of time and that there is a need to provide a solution.

We also performed a screen characterization - Full Flow of the student and Full Flow of the teacher.

On top of that, we did mockups and mock tests with different students to make CRITI more accurate.

On top of that, we refined the MVP:

The student's initial interaction with CRITI will focus on asking questions that encourage critical thinking.

The teacher's initial interaction with CRITI will focus on entering DATA of the students,

of the material taught in class, and of the homework requirements.

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