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Week 14- Character research, video script and screen prototyping from both users sides

During the week, we conducted interviews with various teachers in order to check what their expectations are of the students' homework.

From these interviews we found interesting conclusions according to which the teachers want a system that will help them shape the student's critical thinking and a tool that will help them understand the students' use of the chat.

Also, based on the findings, we redesigned the teacher's dashboard.

On top of that, we continued to perform user tests. These tests reinforced the claim that students use ChatGPT because it helps them finish their homework quickly. One of the users even stated that "I take a photo of ChatGPT's answer to Google and ask him to read the answer so I can see that it corresponds to the material I learned in class." Something that may indicate the increasing laziness of man in the face of technology. She also noted that CRITI "may have caused me not to rely only on memory, but to open the notebook and check that the answer really fits the material." ⁩

Furthermore, we performed a character study. We asked the users which character they connect with the most? Which figure would they turn to if they needed advice? Which character do you think is the most believable? And which character will they feel comfortable consulting? We tried to understand which character they feel most comfortable with and can trust

From this study, we found that girls tend to trust a female figure and boys tend to trust a male figure

We have also put together a list of incentives that will motivate students to continue using the feature: Progress tracking: progress bars in the process + virtual rewards: certificates, achievement badges + parent involvement: updates on progress and achievements and tips to support their development + triggers for curiosity: facts, puzzles, videos and photos + Giving positive feedback + Using smileys

In addition, we started thinking about ways to develop "Critical" with the help of ChatGPT4, we were able to add feedback to it after asking the questions and it is currently being used as an initial prototype, at the same time we continued to characterize the screens according to user interviews from both the teachers and the students.

While we were doing all these things behind the scenes we started thinking about our video in terms of a script and the character we want it to look and act like we started looking for ideas and accordingly we wrote a script.

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