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Week 3- Conducted expert interviews and explored the subject of AI in depth

Updated: Apr 11

Last week we chose to focus on the field of AI, after discussion and research we realized that the field of AI is broad and in order to reach relevant data, we must focus.

First, the team discusses the optional tools we tend to use, which are powered by AI.

We also found what kind of populations use AI.

One of the populations we focused on is teenagers. We also asked and looked at what kind of problems this population faces when using AI.

In the brainstorming session, questions arose that it is possible that teenagers still do not exercise critical thinking in front of digital tools.

Without the critical thinking, it will be challenging to prevent teenagers from harming each other using AI, to submit better and more correct academic papers and more.

At the same time, we met with Hadas, a mentor in the program, with whom we tried to understand what kind of research we wanted to deepen.

The meeting was productive because Hadas shared with us her research that dealt with the interaction of humans with robots and more.

We came to the conclusion together that a lack of trust or too much trust in digital tools like AI could harm us.

The topics we decided to investigate are:

- Trust and over trust

-AI and education

After the talk, we decided to work in 2 ways:

1- Fieldwork: research and interview users and experts on the subject.

2- read studies and drew conclusions from them.

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