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Week 6 - Solution Thinking

Updated: Apr 11

This week we looked for existing and new solutions that answer the question "How can we help teenagers create critical thinking while using ChatGPT?".

We found that there are many different solutions, such as discussions in small groups which encourage the curiosity of the participants, and may lead them to think broadly, deeply and critically on a wide range of topics. Also, workshops are also an effective tool for developing critical thinking.

In addition, critical thinking can be developed by learning skills through imparting theoretical knowledge or applying skills.

We also looked for apps we love and use to draw inspiration from their values for our future product.

We chose Booking because it is available, fast, accessible, reliable and trustworthy and has Social Proof.

We also chose Apple Music because it is available, easy and convenient to use, aesthetic, customizable and interactive.

On top of that, imagine what the "perfect assistant" would recommend to the user at any given moment while thinking about how we force the user to think critically.

For example, a reminder that it is important to remember that all the information provided should not be taken for granted, but that deep thinking should be done. Also, the answer will end with a question that encourages further thinking, such as what do you think about this?

Finally, we prepared a scenario that describes in a narrative form the process that our user goes through at any given moment:

Amir, an 8th grade student, received a paper to submit in history on the subject of the French Revolution. He is a diligent student, who waits to finish his work to go cycling with his friends. Therefore, he prefers to prepare the work the easy way and copies the question "What were the reasons for the French Revolution?" to ChatGPT. Amir has a feature installed on ChatGPT, the purpose of which is to make the user question the answers of the Chat while investigating and the accuracy of the answer provided. This, by expanding the information provided and identifying information taken from sites that are rated as particularly reliable and unreliable. The chat provides Amir with a detailed answer. The feature marks sentences in different colors in the answers of the Chat. For example, he marked in purple a sentence from the "economic reasons" so that Amir would expand his residence with the help of additional sources of information, which the feature offers. This, since the Chat's answer provided certain aspects while there are other aspects. And in orange it marks a sentence from the "social reasons" since the information is taken from a website that is rated as not particularly reliable, and the feature suggests that he research the issue in other sources of information that provide the answer and are rated as more reliable. Amir uses the information the feature gave him to research and refine the Chat's answers. The feature made Amir learn to question and think critically when preparing work with ChatGPT. Amir submitted the work. The teacher checked the work. Amir got a high score and was very proud of himself. He told his parents that he got a high grade and felt that they were very proud of him.

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