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Week 8 - Talking with Mentors

Updated: Apr 11

Throughout the week, we dedicated time to refining our problem and solution before meeting with our mentors.

During the meeting, we received valuable feedbacks and insights based on their extensive experience.

Following the meeting, we transcribed our conversations and collated the salient points raised.

We used this information to create a more precise and accurate scenario, incorporating the

advices of our mentors.

Our new scenario:

Amir, an 8th grade student, received a history paper on the subject of the French Revolution. He is a hardworking student, who waits to finish his work to go out for a bike ride with his friends. Therefore, he prefers to prepare the work in the easy way and copies the question "What were the causes of the French Revolution?" to ChatGPT. Amir has a feature installed on ChatGPT, the purpose of which is to make the user question the answers of the Chat while investigating and correcting the answer provided. This, by expanding the information provided and identifying information taken from sites that are rated as particularly reliable and unreliable. The chat provides Amir with a detailed answer.

The feature marks sentences in different colors in the answers of the Chat. For example, he marked in green sentences that were repeated in the system's testing and in orange sentences that the system identified as potentially inaccurate. Also, when Amir "hovered" over the sentences marked in green, the system offered him to expand the information on websites rated by the Ministry of Education as reliable, as did 150 other users who asked a question on the subject. When Amir "hovered" over the sentences marked in orange, the system told him that the information might be inaccurate and suggested that he check the information on websites that the Ministry of Education rated as reliable, as did 70 other users who asked a question on the subject. Amir uses the information the feature gave him to research and refine the Chat's answers. Amir prepares the work with the help of the answer of the chat and also with the help of the sources that the feature provided him. The feature made Amir learn to question and think critically when preparing work with ChatGPT. Amir submitted the work. The teacher checked the work. Amir got a high score and was very proud of himself. He told his parents that he got a high grade and felt that they were proud of him.

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